Massage & Treatments by Eleonas

Massage & Treatments

Massage  & Treatments

The use of touch as a treatment has origins from the same time that I the history of humanity appeared . Inherent in human nature since it reduces stress, leads to psychological and physical relaxation and wellbeing, relieves pain, acts against smoking, moisturizes and is suitable even for sunburn.
The ancient civilizations had the knowledge that the massage could relieve and treat injuries and diseases and created different approaches and massage techniques tailored to their traditions and customs and often treatments through massage were considered sacred.
The use of herbs and essential oils combined with massage has been known since ancient times.
Athletes in ancient Greece used herbs and essential oils combined with massage techniques (rubbing) to eliminate the toxin concentrations from their muscles.
So by gathering massage techniques thousands of years such as: strong pressure to stimulate and increase blood circulation, techniques through fingers pressure into energy points of the body, pressure with the elbow and thumb, stretching to unblock clamped joint muscles, massage for special penetration of essential oils, provide your body with what it really deserves. Unique healthy glow and rejuvenation of the skin, lessening tension, internal stimulation and relaxation, relief, balance and peace of mind.

Swedish massage ,  Swedish massage uses five styles of long, flowing strokes, the: effleurage (sliding), petrissage (technique that involves kneading the body),  tapotement (light rhythmic strokes), friction (rubbing) and shaking (vibration). Ιt is a mild therapeutic massage in all the deep muscle groups, with strong pressure (DEEP TISSUE) the fingers, fists, forearms and elbows. The result is the complete rejuvenation, toning and relaxation, with many benefits, from relieving pain, reducing stress, fighting inflammation to improving posture and quality sleep.